

South Dakota Road Trip ~ Wall Drug, Corn Palace

Leaving town. 4:30 A.M.


Rest Stop

First Wall Drug sign over 300 miles away. We found out that there are 365 signs. 

South Dakota

Corn Palace at Mitchell

                                                                Future mural


Mural in progress

some renovation

Rest Stop at Chamberlain Bridge. Lewis and Clark once camped here, on the Missouri River.

Very cool rest stop!

All rest areas in SD have these tepees.

                                                       Missouri River

Corps of Discovery!

It was HOT! Really hot for late September!



Five cent coffee!

                                                                  Candy smokes

Finally in Custer after over 600 miles. We drove by Crazy Horse on the way to the hotel.

Loved staying here!

Milk and cookies at check in!

Ate dinner at the Bavarian Restaurant. I had rouladen with red cabbage. YUM!

Breakfast room

Lots of games

indoor pool and hot tub. They also have and outdoor pool and tennis courts.


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