

Camping at Kruger Management Unit Richard J Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest

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Self pay. $14.00 per night. We went on a weekend. There were only six other sites taken. 

information board

Pit toilets

The steps off in the distance lead to the campground at the top of the bluff.

Well water had a bit of an orange tinge and iron taste.

Stray mamma kitty with her three young ones. Well fed while we were there, and rescued after we got home. They are all available for adoption now. 

                                                 These chips were not good!

Photo shoot

balloon bounce



There are 19 campsites.

Lots of reading

                                                     gorgeous hiking trails

dinner prep

                         Dinner cooked over the fire. Tons of fresh veggies with pasta.

and a bit of red wine for the sauce. It was yummy!!!


Nearly full moon

Best coffee ever!

Loving our new tent. Lots of room, and we all love the light and ceiling fan!

     Our fire bit didn't have much of a grate, but we made do and cooked right on the firewood.

          There is NOTHING like breakfast cooked over the fire on a chilly morning.

Margaret found a small puffball. We cooked it up with breakfast. So delicious!

                                                 Playing with one of the kittens.

One of the babies

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