


Flooded Roschen Park

First rainbow of the year

Lots of sun halos this month!

Plant based stuffed mushrooms. Stuffed with sundried tomato with a citrus mustard.

Got the girl out to wave!

Plant based Thai mushroom larb 

Plant based waffle with fruit and veggies. so good!

Plant based potato salad

Lentil sloppy Joe with pickled onions

                                  Colourful sunrises!

An April snow shower


The snow storm blew in dust from the south making the snow brown and crunchy

PV Lambert's Point was sold and is on it's way to it's new home.

Plant based sushi

Purple & Sweet potato balls

First boat

Night train

Chasing trains in Winona

afternoon read in the hammock

My girl 

Rustic opened for one delicious day!

Plant based stir fry

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