

February 2019

I don't bring my camera to work, but do keep my GoPro handy. I hate to miss a sunrise or sunset. This is sunset out the back door. 

                                                   And sunrise, just as I'm heading in.

BNSF leads the Empire Builder on February 2

Part of Winterfest, which I missed due to work. 


A bit of a hike at Hot-Si-La. 

  I spent a lot of time checking out books this month!

Maggie and Barley

Maggie and George

Up on County 9


Love catching the Amtrak  Empire Builder in snow

After one of the blizzards
This is my street

Bloody nose, Big Game, and Heritage. 

                                                                   Train video here


Visiting goats and puppies at Oak Center

MORE snow

Taken with the GoPro

Sun dried tomato stuffed good!

Lake City Federal Bank

Hi Shawn!

My street after yet another blizzard.

I've been playing with Okonomiyaki. Easy, healthy and so good!!!

This amazing neighbour has helped keep our walks clear. 

After another blizzard

A rare daylight sighting of Empire Builder #7 as it was delayed due to a freight derailment in Wisconsin. 

Downtown Lake City digging out

         With the blizzards comes the opportunity for some train in snow shots!

Back yard mountain

Mongolian Beef. 

                                                French Onion Soup

It was a dream to go see Elton John's farewell concert with my sister and my amazing son. Our seats were fantastic. Before we went, my daughter played a bit of Elton for me.

                                                                         Maggie playing some Elton John.

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