

Oregon. Historic Route 30 & Waterfalls

We headed to Historic Route 30, aka, The Historic Columbia River Highway, which is the nation's oldest scenic highway.

and here

Mount St Helens

Entering Troutdale.

Looks like an old depot to me!

We pulled over for a great view of Visa House at Crown Point. What a view!

One can see why it's called Vista House!

Vista House  at Crown Point 

It was REALLY windy

Next stop, Latourell Falls, the only falls that drops straight down from a basalt cliff. All the other falls  tumble a bit. This is also the first falls one sees when coming from the west.

Trails closed due to ice. 

And Multonmah Falls 611 feet cascade of icy water.  

According to Native American lore, Multnomah Falls was created to win the heart of a young princess who wanted a hidden place to bathe.
The bridge, Benson Bridge, was closed, but those brave souls went around the barricade.

Visitors Center

The lodge

Where we ran into this great family that we shared a sleeper car with on the train ride out. 

Horsetail Falls

Heading back on Route 84

Where Vista House on Crown Point is visible. On the way home, I was watching from the train from across the Columbia, and I saw it from there as well. What a jewel! 


  1. I enjoy reading your blog and the photos are excellent ,the waterfalls are breathtaking and have got to be some of the largest and most impressive on Earth the people standing on the bridge and in front of the Falls give scale to their sheer size it must be quite humbling being in the presence of such large waterfalls,much larger than anything here in the UK though there is one in Wales in the Berwyn Mts that is very similar but on a smaller scale ,keep up your great blog.J Hobbs.England.

  2. Thank you so much, James! I appreciate your comment! This was our first visit to Oregon and we were also impressed with the waterfalls there! Sadly, it was winter and the parking lots were a glaze of ice. We were not prepared to do any hiking to get up on that bridge and were very envious of those that did!

  3. Hello thank you for your reply it sounds you had a great time over there!yes winter can be dangerous in mountainous regions like that especially with great steep waterfalls like those. I would love to go on a holiday over there one day(and hope I do in not too far distant future),and in particular to the Colorado Oregon regions of the Rocky Mountains as I love those great and vast mountainous landscapes and forests full of fantastic wildlife which the great states of the US have a plenty.J Hobbs.
