

Camping at Pikes Peak State Park McGregor Iowa

Rendezvous at Praire du Chien

This guy had to be warm!

The park is just across the bridge from Prairie du Chien and a few miles south. This is the first Pikes Peak, explored by Zebulon Pike before he explored Colorado. 

With a stunning overlook of the Mississippi/Wisconsin Rivers confluence.

                                                                 Indigo Bunting!

The confluence. This is where Pere Marquette and  Louis Joliet saw the upper Misssissippi for the the first time in 1673.

We hiked down to see Bridal Veil Falls

Yup. This is it!

Beautiful hike on well maintained trails.

Of course it was up all the way back.

bull snake!

The town of McGregor was established in 1837. Beautiful little place. We stopped here for ice cream.

The bridge over the Mississippi and Lady Luck Casino in Marquette.

The campground was buggy. Lots of gnats.

There were a lot of campers. Best thing about Iowa State Parks, is that they are only $11.00 for a non- electric site, and $16.00 for electric, with no annual sticker required. Super cheap! Very clean and friendly rangers and hosts.

The second night we were hit by storms. The campground was evacuated to the storm shelters. About and hour after we were permitted back to our sites,  the girls and I heard the terrific sound of a tree falling, not knowing it was only feet from our tent crushing a chain link fence.

We weren't the only ones who got wet.

Drying out

Another view of the tree. My tent in the background.

Mourning Cloak caterpillar 

         We hung out at the overlook for a few hours while everything dried.

At the park store, one could purchase ice, coffee, ice cream, snacks, and wood

With more storms and rain predicted, we cut our trip short. On the way home, we stopped at Goose Island Campground just south of LaCrosse. It is the largest county campground in the 3 state area with tons of amenities including canoeing, mini golf and a game room. Guess we know our next camping destination!

Plus that there is some swamp area with lots of critters!

HUGE toad

This is where our tent will be in two weeks.

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