

Kitchen of Love

Margaret loves sushi!

This is, without doubt, the best French Onion Soup on the planet. 
Caramelize sweet onions with a bit of sugar and fresh garlic
add a liberal amount of paprika and a touch of flour
deglaze with loads of red wine
beef base
worcester sauce
serve with great bread and baby swiss
Easy and yummo

Popcorn popped in coconut oil and topped with flax seed oil and nutritional yeast. 

My first Pad Thai. SO GOOD! 

Bacon cheeseburger pizza. Always a hit with the youngsters.

Spinach, mushroom, tomato, smoked gouda omelette.

Russell Sprouts alamanda. Balsamic vinegar with caramelized onions and bacon.

Chicken in a spinach/vodka cream.

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