

Our week 9/12-9/18

We had a full week of school last week. We are all loving Joy Hakim's history and science books. Math is going great....everyone enjoys doing the .5 lesson a day year round. Saxon grammar is a huge hit with my seventh grader. Sunday School started for Margaret today, Confirmation begins Wednesday for Mary Emeline, and we are gearing up for Scouts, piano, youth group, and library which will all be starting in the next few weeks.......

Badminton with obstacle

Agate hunting

Russ brought home more dry ice, so the girls love
to do experiments.

Here they made "soda" with orange juice.

Russ was in the local paper

We couldn't miss the rising of the beautiful harvest moon.

more agate and fossil hunting...the water has receded, so we found lots of great stuff!

hunting on Lake Pepin

Chapel at Hok-Si-La...Margaret says she will have her wedding here one day.

bike riding with little Margie

Some finds....partial bottle from Lake City, Minn, petrified wood, agates, geode, Indian paint pot (iron ore deposit), and my fav..... fossilized beehive coral!

                                               Not 100% sure, but I think this is cyclocystoia found by Mary Emma... if so, it is very rare....

birthday oath which I signed.

birthday pizza

birthday gifts....kilim purse from Turkey and old coffee jar from RW.

New library limits, no fines, and I can use it anywhere in the state.

First day of tutoring...the girls got a raise! They are tutoting this second grader in math, history and sign language.

First roast of the year with popovers....yum! Pitched my popover pan as I am sick of the darn things sticking and trying to pry them out....using glass custard cups from now on.

Cooked these tomatoes down all day and made yummo marinara...

zucchini bread

jamming in the garage

lucky shot

Barley loves to chew on a stick.

Millie licking milk.


Turkey dinner at St Peter and Paul church in Mazeppa after our fist day of Sunday School.

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