

Road Trip to Illinois

Roger and Ray at the Elks club

Playing stand up Lightning

Out on the boat

Ray is 89 years old and has spent a lot of his life entertaining. Him, and his late wife have one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever heard. He is very lost without her. Here he played us a concert for about 25 minutes. Very talented and great voice!

Mexican Coke in a glass bottle

Farmers Market...I bought some fantastic cheese and yummo olives.

Fox River

Eastern Painted Turtle

Escorting the turtle home

The girls also found this soft shelled turtle.

They both loved driving the new golf cart...spend a lot of time riding on this!

Lesson in bulk mailing at the post office.

I LOVE the Gail Borden Library!

Their summer reading program is amazing! The whole library, which is gigantic, is decorated with castles and dragons.

They also had a great display of gargoyles by a local sculptor.

Cousin L. came for a visit.

Making Swedish Pancakes. Of course we also had salt pork and lingonberries!

Geese chasing
It is a long ride to Illinois.

Castle Rock is a great stop for a hike.

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