

Henna in Wabasha

Our library has a summer reading program that we have signed up for, but this day we went to Wabasha's library for their henna program. We got to town a bit early and the power was out all over downtown. No shops open, so we went to the library early. The power returned just as the artist began her program.
We had to wait quite a while as it was a bit crowded.

She did a great job. I loved how she took the time out to explain the history of henna and how it is used in different cultures. She is coming to our library program as well, so we will hopefully get to do this again! She also teaches a class in Zumbrota.

The artist's name is Judy Ostrowski. Not only does she do parties, classes, and private appointments, she is also she is also at the Farmers Market Annex in Minneapolis.


Mary Emma


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