

April Fools Agates!

So I got this box on April Fools Day. Expecting math books that I had purchased on EBAY, I picked it up to bring it in the house. But it was heavy.....REALLY heavy. It was addressed to me, but I had no idea who the sender was. The return address was,  Friends of Lake Pepin, 100 Agate Rd. My husband shook it and said, "It's rocks." Well, who the heck would send me rocks?
Since it was April Fools Day, and knowing my siblings, I did what anyone would do.......I had the kids open it! This is what we found!!!!!!!!!!!
It was unbelievable!!! Who would send this? It was like Christmas in a box!
There was a letter....a beautifully written letter. It was written by someone who had visited Lake City as a youngster and found agates on the shores of beautiful Lake Pepin. The writer had cherished these agates all his/her life, and wanted them to go to a good home.
Along with the agates was this book

Brazilian agate

I have no way to thank this person, so I will do it here. Thank-you, for your generous gift, selflessness, and reminding us not just of the natural beauty we live in, but the beauty of a stranger's heart! We WILL pay it forward!

1 comment:

  1. How no one has commented on this escapes me. Love the idea of someone sending you a box of rocks becaue they loved them so much. Hard to let them go and easy to let them go all at the same time.

    Hope you enjoy them.
