

Eagle Watch/ Cincinnati Zoo bird show

The National Eagle Center in Wabasha has EagleWatch weekends all through March. Each weekend with different events and presenters. We were so excited to go see the bird show!
Harriet is 29 years old.


American Kestrel

We walked up to St Felix auditorium to watch the bird show.

Speckled owl

Steller's Sea Eagle

Hyacinth Macaw

Harris Hawk

Laughing kookaburra

she really does laugh!

Cockatoo doing a few tricks

speckled owl

Yellow Naped Amazon

Rainbow Macaw

Black Footed Penguin

Loved the Steller's Sea Eagle...check out that top mandible! This male weighed about 15 pounds, but the females can be up to 25 pounds!
Showing off!

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