


Organic popcorn popped in coconut oil, seasoned with nutritional yeast.
A friend of ours just returned from Egypt bearing gifts!!! The top two stones
on the left are from King Tut's tomb at The Valley of the Kings,. The top left stone is from Giza.
The three smaller stones are from inside a pyramid, and the rock to the right of those is alabaster, which is actually compressed gypsum. He also brought scarab jewelry and papyrus bookmarks.
Thank you so much, Ken!!!!!!

We are studying Joan d'Ark, so we made quiche Lorraine in honor
of the Maid of Lorraine.

Daily work


Sheppard software for geography

messy schoolroom

A garage sale find....Mary Emma is about 1/3 the way finished with
this book, we are using supplements to learn the capitols, rivers, and lakes of all the countries....she just finished Central and South America, and is not starting on Europe.
Margaret is using this social study book. It is the same one used locally in the public addition to these books, we also use "Story of the World."

This was one of my sons old textbooks, we are doing this one all together.
We use this along with the world geography book.
Both girls are about 1/2 way done with "Writing Strands 3."

Saxon math...both on lesson 82! We are hoping to be done in late February.

We use the website freeworldu every day...mostly for language arts, vocabulary, and science supplements.

Spectrum reading comprehension books...we have been using these since 1st grade....I love them because it is completely independent work and only takes about fifteen minutes a day. They will be done with these books by the end of the month.
One of the three "Joan of Arc" books we are reading now....also have two movies requested via inter library loan.

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