

Illinois Railway Museum

The largest Railway museum in America is in Union, Illinois. We
stopped here over labor day weekend.

and boarded the first train we saw

This car was built in 1907

It was separated into two smoking, one non smoking.

looking out the front of the carriage

taking tickets...each train ride is about 45 minutes. There were
five trains running the day we were there.

looking out the window of the train

When the museum acquired this carriage, it had extensive fire damage
but was refurbished to it's original splendor.

this is the outside of the above carriage
train station

One of the many sheds filled with engines, street cars, and carriages

an old sleeper

walking through a car

booths and sleeping berths

dining car

narrow hallway on the is to the left.

an old bathroom with copper sink


a carriage being refurbished

in the passenger carriage shed

There were some folks there dressed up for a reenactment


A mini art museum in a carriage

The children loved the toilets!

a double!

sleeping car

double by day

and by night

dining car

outside the dining car window

All original stainless steel in this 1950's carriage. It was
taken out of commission in 1980, served as a restaurant for five
years, then abandoned. It needed a lot of work!

staggered sleeping quarters in this carriage
upper and lower berths....literally on top of each other, and
very tiny! When the bed is out, the roomette is room
to even stand up. The toilet is under the bed.

pull down sink

Awesome jazz band!

Nebraska favorite!

the last carriage

oldest horse pulled street car....1859

On the street car

The engine on the left is a snowplow

again, my favorite, the Nebraska Zephyr. This train used to
stop in Red Wing.

We could not stay long as we had a six hour drive home. Russ
had to be in Milwaukee the next day.

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