

Voyageur Canoes

Frontenac State Park sponsored a naturalist to take folks out in Voyageur canoes and learn some history of the Mississippi and it's earliest explorers.

On our way to the Methodist Beach in Frontenac, we spotted this
fawn grazing in a residential area...she was a bit timid, but didn't dash
away as we drove up, stopped, and Mary Emeline snapped these photos
from the car.

We all carried the 240 pound canoes to the beach

These canoes are ten years old, handmade without the use of any
power tools, and seat ten people each

listening to instruction before the journey

Once we were out a bit on the Lake, we joined canoes and
listened as the facilitators told the history of Lake Pepin and it's
first European explorers.

listening to the history

pink and white roses floating in the water.

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