

Sully Plantation

On the way to Sully Plantation
this cute car was in the lot

the pathways are paved with oyster shells

The slave quarters

Livestock pens in the slave quarters

This schoolhouse was moved to Sully in the 1960's for preservation
It was originally a schoolhouse near Haymarket, Virginia, and now houses
a gift shop and admissions.

Stone Dairy built in 1801 has two foot thick stone walls .

Smokehouse and kitchen

The main house was the 18th century home of Richard Bland Lee
He was Northern Virginia's first congressman and an uncle of Robert E Lee.
Richard Lee and his wife Elizabeth lived here with their children from 1794 to

A guided tour of the house filled with many original furnishings
from the Lee family.

This mirror was recently aquired after it was up for auction.

Some original dishes

They had a schoolroom on the second floor.

carding wool

The gardens

Locust tree....these are the spines on the trunk

pods of the locust tree

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