


We went camping for six days before the Memorial Day weekend....had the place practically
to ourself! Hok-Si-La is a beautiful park, tent camping electricity....booked up a year in advance on holiday weekends, but during the week, especially pre-season....we were virtually alone!
R.J. and Sara joined us for a couple of days...Sara is gimping to the loo.

Ted rolled in a vile gross stinky disgusting nasty dead fish and had a bath from hell with ice cold water and Caress body wash on the first day.

wiener on the fire


coffee and bacon my $25.00 garage sale kitchen!

Amazing view from B9

Awesome fort!

Barley loves camping...he found a little stick to chew on!

Walking to the beach

Water was cold, but refeshing on a 95 degree day!

riding the log


Girlie in action!


Reading a cool history book from a cool mom

95 degrees on the second day.We emptied a tote and filled it with ice cold water

relief from the HEAT

Hobo Dinner

Hobo dinner is everyones favorite!

beautiful view!

Early morning fishing


Huge scary storm! We did not get too much rain, it was a bit north of us, but looked amazing! After it stormed we sat and watched the clouds pass into Wisconsin and the beautiful lightning show.

sunrise through the tent screen



story writing
The Pearl

working on the fort

Turkey vultures


Margaret and Ted

brushing teeth

cooking breakfast

outside looking in

inside looking out

potato baked in the coals

various fossils, rocks, and mussels


a visit from Ken

beautiful music from a talented musician


trying brie and apple pastry

My favorite people!

chef Mikey carving the meat

Margaret and Mikey

just below our campsite

Moon rise

Full moon

Full moon rise



sisters on a moonwalk

Packing up....always sad taking down the tent

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