

Camping at Frontenac State Park

Maybelle found this huge millipede! I've seen these before
but never in Minnesota!

This thing was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click on this photo for an amazing close-up!!!!!

Finally at the top! The sign behind the girls says
"steep trails" Yeah.....we know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Camping at Frontenac State Park

in yan teopa rock

we have been studying decomposers in science, so
we had our eye open for fungi.

Camping at Frontenac State Park

Breakfast and a mocha to start the day off right!

cousins Bern and Leesy


We had no idea that this was to be a two and a half hour hike
down, down, down a very steep bluff, then of course back up!
This photo was taken just as we were heading out.

down down down

Camping at Frontenac State Park

one of the last blooming flowers in Minnesota

We always find the time to do a bit of reading and writing

Cousin Leesy came to spend one night

Hiking on one of the overland trails

We had a very cool beetle in this bag, but lost it before we
got back to camp.

Camping at Frontenac State Park

Here are the girls on the bluff top was so beautiful!!!! The buckets are to carry
all the treasures we may come across.

like milkweed

or.....never mind....we will leave that....raccoon scat!

Red summac makes such a beautiful backdrop!

Camping at Frontenac State Park

Greta making acorn flour. We read about this in the
book, "My Side Of The Mountain"

Greta reading in the comfy camp chair.

Time to start dinner! We always cook over the fire!

camping girl....check out the nice Rv in the site across from us

Hiking on the blufftop trail.
