

Who cloned Bob?

Maybelle is writing a story. She writes them often....Here is chapter One of her story.

Who Cloned Bob?

I woke up in the morning and my Dad was making breakfast as usual. I went into the bathroom where my Dad was washing his hands. I yelled, "Two Dad's?!" I must be daydreaming. I rubbed my eyes and went into the kitchen again. My Dad said, "Hi Sport, I am your real Dad." But I hesitated. My brother, Ronnie came down. He is 11, which is a year younger than me. I grabbed his arm and led him back upstairs. He said, "Let go."
"Dad has been cloned," I told him.
"Whatever!" He said.

We have been reading "A Wind at the Door" Can you tell?????


Scout camp

Maybelle and I went to camp Singing Hills with her scout troop

This is the cabin she stayed in

Great action can see the arrow leaving the bow heading right toward the
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Berne Swissfest

We went to the 55th annual Swissfest in Berne today. I 've never been there before, but will go again!

Inside the UCC church was the handbell choir...they were INCREDIBLE!

After the concert we could see the bells and other instuments as well as
the sheet music they use.

I do not know what this was, but she had candy in her bag!

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